Agape School of Excellence came about through one man’s vision: Pastor Sumoiwuo Dolo, lead pastor of Agape Worship Center outside Monrovia, Liberia.
In 2019, the Lord laid on Pastor Dolo’s heart the countless children whose parents could not afford $150 a year for school. Many families with multiple children could afford tuition for only one child, forcing the parents to make heartrending choices. Soon Pastor Dolo and members of his family began helping a few families send their children to school. But the number of children who needed tuition support was so great that Pastor Dolo was able to help only a small fraction of them.
As a result, Pastor Dolo decided to found a school, Agape School of Excellence, which would meet in Agape Worship Center. The school began operating in 2020 with approximately 60 students. Supporting those 60 students, however, proved to be a daunting challenge — not only because there was almost no money to compensate the teachers, but also because the school lacked even the most basic of materials, let alone a building of its own.
At present, Agape has about 125 students, close to the maximum number that can attend while the school is housed in the church building. Plans have been drawn up for a school building that will accommodate 2,000 or more students, the cost of which is calculated to be about 350,000 USD. If you would like more information about the proposed building, or are interested in giving toward its construction, please email Randall Kollie.
Conceptual layout of the proposed new Agape School of Excellence building